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GCSE options information 2025-27

The GCSE options process - Jan to March 2025

Selecting GCSE options is the first time students begin to consider their future aspirations and are required to make decisions that affect their academic life, it is really important that students are supported both in school and at home to make informed decisions about what will facilitate their success over the next key stages of their academic careers.


To ensure this process is successful for all students the following support events and activities will take place through the Spring term.


Yr. 9 Exams:  9th - 17th January 2025 - We have moved our formal assessments of year 9 to the start of the Spring term to use the information to inform discussions about the suitability of subjects for each student. The exam grade alone does not decide suitability for a subject, the information is triangulated with ongoing assessments and the evaluation of attitudes to learning.


Yr. 9 Parents Options webinar: Tuesday 21st January 2025 6:00pm - this 30-45 minute webinar will help inform parents about the GCSE curriculum offer for your child, the information resources available and the process for submitting options. There will be an opportunity to ask questions during the webinar too.  Students do not need to attend this webinar as they will have a separate assembly.  A link will be sent to all parents/carers via SIMS in-touch. (please see recording at the bootom of this page)


Yr. 9 Options Assembly:  Wednesday 22nd January 2025 - Students will be informed out the options available to them, the options booklet, the discussions they should have with their teachers and the sources of support in school (Careers advisor, Current GCSE and VI form students) as well as information on how to submit their options and key deadlines.


Friday 31st January 2025 - Yr. 9 reports published via SIMS app. This will provide a snap shot summary of current grades, progress and an overview of Attitudes to Learning in each subject area.  This should be used to inform conversations at the PCE.


Monday 3rd February 2025 - Yr. 9 PCE - An opportunity to book appointments to discuss current progress and suitability of subjects for your child.  These will be held virtually using school cloud.


Wednesday 26th February 2025 - deadline for submitting GCSE options form via SIMS options online.


Once all options have been submitted we will begin to build our curriculum offer for 2025-26,  we do everything we can to accommodate preferred subject choices but if we are unable to accommodate students first choice options, we will inform you of the reserve subjects that have been allocated. 



Please take time to read our GCSE options booklet below which includes information on:


  • The GCSE curriculum overview

  • How to use SIMS options online to complete your options form

  • Individual subject overviews with student testimonials.


For any subject specific queries, please contact your child's teacher directly or contact the Head of Department.


For any further information about our GCSE curriculum, please contact Miss Teasel - Deputy Head Academics


For information on careers support, please contact Miss Healey- Careers Coordinator


For KS3 support, please email

Headteacher:  Mrs Sam Herridge


Chair of Trustees: Mr Robert Maltman



King Edward VI Education Trust

(Company No: 09635329)

A Charitable Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England and Wales


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