
Year 10 Boys Football Team

Ultimate Bake-Off Winners 2024

Drone Club - Gibraltar Point Field Trip
King Edward’s is first and foremost a local, family school, and we recognise that all children are different. We give priority in our admissions arrangements to those with siblings who attend the school and our ethos and focus as a community is rooted in pastoral care.
From entry at Year 7 through to departure in Year 13 students are surrounded by a comprehensive network of support. The initial focus of that support begins in Year 6 as our experienced, caring and specialist Year 7 team begin the primary induction process in June/July of Year 6. This process includes primary visits to meet students and a three day induction experience on the school site during July and includes a parents induction evening and student disco. In September we repeat this induction process inviting students onto the site before the rest of the school to ensure that they feel happy and confident about all of the new arrangements.
As student’s progress through King Edward’s they are supported by their form tutor and Head of Year. We want make sure that every child is known and therefore wherever possible children stay in their tutor group and with the same tutor from Year 8 onwards. Leading the pastoral team are our dedicated Heads of Year.
So important is this part of our school life that we have a Deputy Head, two Directors and eight pastoral leaders working on this important aspect of our school life. Together the Deputy Head leads and manages a wealth of resources to support children’s personal development and ongoing pastoral care. This includes our experienced SEND team; Learning Mentors; dedicated onsite Counsellors; Teaching Assistants and Emotional Learning Support Assistants, and our dedicated Wellness and Spirituality curriculum team.
As an Holistic employer our commitment to Wellness incorporates our staff as well. Staff benefit from access to 24/7 Counselling and Support provided by the Educational Charity Education Support Our active staffroom committee provides a range of social events and plans out an annual staff wellness program.